My name is Niko. This corner of the web is my little place to put things special. (it's still a WIP.)


6/20/23 Cool new page!
NIKO's page is live and on the SITEMAP!
More to be added there.
6/20/23 Edited ABOUT page to be more accurate and a little more succinct.
Did some work on internal pages, soon to be revealed and linked on the SITEMAP...?
We'll see!
2/2/23 Hello from 2023!
Changed back to old ABOUT page. Pink didn't sit right with me!
May do some work here 'n' there.
10/9/22 Rehauled ABOUT page for a new, gloriously pink look!
Also fixed a few other pages.
More work planned.
10/8/22 It's been a while since I last worked on this site! Here now in 2022,
bringing you fresh new pages and updated content!
1/14/20 ABOUT page finished and updated!
Resuming work on new pages...
1/13/20 Began construction on ABOUT page.
(Current pages have not been updated to reflect these changes.)
1/10/20 Happy New Year! Removed COMMISSIONS page.
Removed SFW and NSFW GALLERIES pages.
Rehauled CSS stylesheet. Prepare for massive facelifts!
2/12/19 Created COMMISSIONS page.
2/12/19 Created SFW and NSFW GALLERIES pages.
2/13/19 Edited COMMISSIONS page.
3/2/19 Edited ABOUT page.

Be sure to check back soon for more updates. While you're here, why not sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of my site?